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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Expanding Virtual Disk of VMware Server in Windows

To expand an existing partition, the Virtual Machine must be shutdown and powered off. The vmware-vdiskmanager utility resides in the directory that VMWare server was installed. Open a command prompt and navigate to the VMWare server directory.

C:\Program Files>cd VMware

C:\Program Files\VMware>cd "VMware Server"

C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Server>vmware-vdiskmanager -x 25GB "d:\VM\ForumTest\ForumDB.vmdk"
Using log file C:\DOCUME~1\Jakki\LOCALS~1\Temp\vmware-jakki\vdiskmanager.log

Grow: 100% done.
The old geometry C/H/S of the disk is: 2610/255/63
The new geometry C/H/S of the disk is: 3263/255/63
Disk expansion completed successfully.

WARNING: If the virtual disk is partitioned, you must use a third-party
utility in the virtual machine to expand the size of the
partitions. For more information, see:
You should now see the new size of the virtul disk. Also, notice the Warning message above. You will need to use a third party tool such as Partition Magic or Acronis Disk Director to resize the partition inside the Virtual Machine Operating System.
To list all available options for vmware-vdiskmanager, just enter the following at a command prompt:
vmware-vdiskmanager.exe /?

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